It’s time to send out those all important invitations, are you unsure what to include, and what wording to use? Nowadays there are lots of different ways to word your wedding invitations depending on who is hosting the wedding and your family situation as well as what type of wedding you are having. But just remember, whatever your situation don’t stress. Check out our wedding etiquette invitation wording tips…

The couple as hosts:
Miss Jessica Clarke
Mr Christopher Armstrong
request the pleasure of
The bride’s parents as hosts:
Mr and Mrs S Clarke request the pleasure of
at the marriage of their daughter Jessica to Mr Christopher Armstrong
Divorced parents as hosts:
Mr Stephen Clarke and Ms Anne Clarke request the pleasure of
at the marriage of their daughter Jessica to Mr Christopher Armstrong
Bride’s parents are divorced and hosting together with their new partners:
Mr and Mrs Clarke
Mrs and Mr Potter
request the pleasure of
at the marriage of their daughter Jessica to Mr Christopher Armstrong
Both sets of parents are hosting:
Mr and Mrs Clarke
Mr and Mrs Armstrong
request the pleasure of
If the couple are hosting the wedding but wish to acknowledge their parents, or if you are all contributing to the wedding:
Together with their parents/Together with their families
Time and date:
On Saturday, the twenty-seventh of July
Two thousand and nineteen
At twelve-thirty in the afternoon
OR On Saturday 27th July 2019 at 12:30pm
The place:
It is always a good idea to write the location of your church/ceremony as there may be a number of churches with similar names locally and you want your guest to arrive at the right location :
St Robert’s Church, Harrogate
The reception:
If your reception is immediately after the ceremony you could write:
A dinner reception will follow the ceremony at the X
or if the reception is later in day you should include the time:
A dinner reception will take place at 6pm at the X
Alternatives: A more informal invitation wording may take the form of:
Invite you to come laugh, dance drink and celebrate our wedding
This day I will
marry my best friend,
the one I laugh with, live
for, love
we wish for the presence of
your friendship,
as we exchange our vows
Invite you to share in their love and happiness, as they exchange their vows and begin their new life together
What else to include
♡ Include details of the venues such as address, car parking or maps so that guests can find their way.
♡ Add accommodation details, whether there is places to stay close by and if there is a discount code for guests.
♡ Order of the day. let guests know when food will be served and when the dancing will take place.
♡ Gift list – If you are having a gift list, include details of it here.
♡ Ask your guests to RSVP. Include a date for when you want the replies by so you can make the final arrangements with your suppliers. Include the name and address for the replies to be sent to.
If you need any further assistance in sending out invitations or collating RSVPs. Contact us today to see how we can help